
Municipal office

Symbols of village



Under the Act no. 369/1990 Zb.z. on Municipalities:

- municipal office provides organizational and administrative matters of the municipal council and the mayor, as well as the bodies set up by the municipal council.

Especially municipal office

a) provide a written agenda municipal bodies and organs of the municipal council and the Mailroom documents of the village,

b) provide professional documentation and other documents to negotiate the municipal council and municipal council committees

c) draw up a written copy of the decision of the village.

d) implementing Regulation, resolutions and decisions of the municipal council of the village.

The work of the Office shall mayor. In municipalities with a larger number of employees it may be established function of head of the municipal office. Organization of the Office, the number of employees and their work activities down the organizational regulations of the Office.



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Today is Monday, 1/20/2025, 7:32:06

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