



The first written mention  of the village dates from the year  1425  in respect of the manor castle  Likava. They built it Soltyska village residents Stankovany. In 1425 Captain Castle Likava to Peter, the son of Stanková Stankovian right reeve in Gombáši. He could have a tavern and a mill. They owned a fine. He was free to fishermen in the Vah, Orava and Ľubochnianka. Originals of documents are stored in the Liptov Museum. The first settlers were shepherds who are based first hut, with the result that the village developed and tanning. Sheep grazed on the hills and meadows and favorable conditions Hubovskej spacious valley allow people to grow corn. Residents of the village are nourished with milk and meat sheep that provide them with the wool and fur. Hubovskej environment of the valley provided in worthy conditions and for growing grain. There milled and the mill, but that has not survived. In 1551 the village was four peasant settlements and 18 peasants of whom three had their own house. In land area Hubova included the Hrboltová in which residents benefited wood Hubova. In 1625, the state saw three water. From earlier periods they have been preserved two wooden houses that served as sypárničky grain. In Bystrej valley are the ruins of an iron smelter, suggesting a blacksmith in this little valley, where there were also some smaller and supply of iron ore.

Typical Gombáš were wooden semi-detached four-byte. Residents of the house was not associated any kinship. He looked like the then village suggests painting of the chapel of St. Roche in 1831, when cholera raged in the village.

In 1882 the village had a large fire, which burned in almost all duplexes. Those that remained were mostly vročení 1827.Po the fire began to build wooden monoecious. They were also timbered buildings (such as duplexes). The roof was pitched and rounded connection front and side roof consisted obkrútku. The rear and front part of the roof was the same. Each part of the house had room, grotesque and chamber. The focus was grotesque and dirt floor. It often happened that when he established a new family, so for her to create a new room from the chamber. All cabins have a blind chimney and smoke will go after rozliezal, in which we do bacon, meat and sausages.

The way the village along the front of the houses was a ditch to drain rainwater. The courtyard is being provided through a wooden bridge. On the other side of the road-nad Váhom were vegetable gardens. Cross on the left side of Vah has been since time immemorial. Compared led him, as now, Kostolná street.

There is  a late  church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which is a cultural monument. It was built in 1816, it is decorated with wall paintings from Joseph Hanul.

The village name Gombáš ( Hung.  Gombak = fungus) was in  1948  changed to hubs. In  1951 , the village became independent from the municipality  Ľubochňa .

About how the name originated the village were not any documents. The first chronicler of our community Okáľ John points out that the name of the village Gombáš has Slavic roots. The root of the word gomba - mushroom is Slovak, Hungarian suffix -as it. The argument that it is a Hungarian name stands by the fact that the earliest inhabitants names were Slovak, and also the surrounding geographical names. So, the first settlers were Slovaks.

The original name of the village was in force until 11.06.1948, when the PV Decree No. A - 311/16-II / 31948 changed to present Mushroom (helped no signature event). The history is also our dialect, gradually changed under the influence of literary Slovak. Our dialect was hard, the elderly have been preserved to this day.

Other popular posts from the history of our community, you can learn on the blog of former Chronicler of Mushroom - Charles Okala (1924 - 2015):

Notable personalities of the village

prof. Mgr.  Miloslav Okál, MD - Slovak classical philologist and translator of ancient litaratura.

Among other things, translated into English major  ancient Greek  epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Jozef Kútnik - Smale - priest, poet, novelist, translator, literary and cultural historian

Chronological overview of historical events:

- 1425 - the first written mention Gombáš 
- 1551 - in Gombáši were 4 peasant homesteads, 1 Wallachian and 1 Ironworks 
- 1625 - worked 3 saws 
- 1629 - glass works at Huty 
- 1644 - Illesházyovci introduced at Gombáši toll 
- 1662 - flood, that destroyed the way to Ruzomberok 
- 1669 - king commanded to build in Gombáši bridge 
- 1715 - the Gombáši were 29 serf families 
- 1765 - missionary Serafín Bosak catechism and church services held in the threshing floor 
- 1774 - Liptov introduced the cultivation of potatoes 
- 1782 - the Gombáši established school, taught that John Okál 
- 1787 - established parish 
- 1795 - collapsed wooden church, subsequently built a new
- visitation of Bishop Earl Révay, Gombáš has a population of 932 
- 1798 - Regulation stool after disasters to build brick houses 
- 18th century. - First emblem seal with mushrooms 
- in 1800 - flood 
- 1816 - beginning of construction of the current church, old school and rectory 
- 1831 - Asian cholera, built chapel. Rochus 
- 1856 - first saw in Liptove 
- 1861 - the seal of the village is already the Hungarian national emblem 
- in 1863 - the school had two classes with 197 pupils (there were also children from the village Švošov) 
- 1893 - created village Ľubochňa 
- 1905 - The current výmaľovka church Champion Joseph Hanule 
- 1909 - Vol. Mission beginnings amateur theater 
- 1911 - the first brass band 
- 1913 - built a new school
- 1918 - Infectious disease "Spaniard" 
- 1922 - established for an evening business school 
- 1928 - approved by the electrification of the village 
- from 1930 to 1945 - at the top of the pub existed class, credit cooperative store textiles, MNV, 
installations for the production of dolls 
- 1934 - the introduction of mandatory Night order service (VARTA) 
- 1934 - established popular course for women 
- in 1938 - Gombašanci with brass band participated in a demonstration in Bratislava to mark the 
delivery of the Pittsburgh Agreement USA 
- 1939-150 costumed Gombašan at a meeting of the Slovak Parliament in Bratislava 
- 1945 - the passage of the front over village 
- 1948 - changed the renaming of the village fungal 
- 1951 - independence is Ľubochňa
- 1953 - as administrator of the parish VDP coming. Martin Števček (Maroš madace) 
- 1956 - Musical creation - choir Liptov 
- 1960 - the opening of a cultural center with a theater performance Havranová Marino 
- performance file on the National Spartakiáda Prague 
- 1968 - demolished Chapel. Rocha 
- restaurant with paint church (akad.mal.G.Baláž) 
- 1969 - appearance set in Rome 
- from 1969 to 1972 - the current school building 
- 1972 - forced the disintegration of the group 
- in 1973 - the construction of the current firehouse 
- 1,977 - standing trade Unity 
- 1980 - a new school building 
- in 1987 - reconstruction of the choir, organ installation OPUS 81
- 1933 - reconstruction hl.oltára, sculptures, paintings church (brothers Olšavský) 
- 1994 - construction of the current house of mourning

Geographic information

Mushroom Village is located in  Liptov basin  near the town of  Ruzomberok , in the Žilina region, adjacent to the villages and Lubochna Švošov.

The total area of ​​the village / cadastral / Mushroom: 1,690 ha

Altitude: Mushroom center of the village is 450 m NMC cadastral territory there are several valleys, the most extensive of which is Hubovská (Gombášska) valley. Swift Valley is again longer, narrower and it flows  Bright Stream , which also forms the border with the village  Černová .

The village is located in the mountains of  Great Fatra . The highest peak is the Area  Red Grun (1139 m). Other major peaks of the  Kútniky Hill  (1064 m),  Large Larch  (972 m),  Kýčera  (956 m),  Grun  (940 m) and a  small larch  (819 m).

Mushroom village lies on the left bank of the river  Vah . Compared to the village on the right bank of the river Vah is the village Švošov. After the north side of the village along the banks of the river Vah leads a very busy road number E50 1/18. Right of this road is to be in the future redirected to the D1 motorway construction which in this area is prepared.

There stem major streams: Hubovský, cable, Brusová .



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