Pri Váhu 70/70
034 91 Hubová
Tel.: 044 / 439 12 08
0944 191 911
BASIC GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGEMushroom Village is located in Liptov basin near the town of Ruzomberok , in the Žilina region, adjacent to the villages and Lubochna Švošov.
The total area of the village / cadastral / Mushroom: 1,690 ha
Altitude: Mushroom center of the village is 450 m NMC cadastral territory there are several valleys, the most extensive of which is Hubovská (Gombášska) valley. Swift Valley is again longer, narrower and it flows Bright Stream , which also forms the border with the village Černová .
The village is located in the mountains of Great Fatra . The highest peak is the Area Red Grun (1139 m). Other major peaks of the Kútniky Hill (1064 m), Large Larch (972 m), Kýčera (956 m), Grun (940 m) and a small larch (819 m).
Mushroom village lies on the left bank of the river Vah . Compared to the village on the right bank of the river Vah is the village Švošov. After the north side of the village along the banks of the river Vah leads a very busy road number E50 1/18. Right of this road is to be in the future redirected to the D1 motorway construction which in this area is prepared.
There stem major streams: Hubovský, cable, Brusová .